gofore impact foundation

Harnessing the positive power of digitalisation

Our 1st call for projects period closed in February 2024 and we have chosen our very first beneficiaries. Many thanks to all applicants! See our News section for all beneficiaries and the introduction of the first projects!

Gofore Impact Foundation Logo

our mission

Gofore has always strived to positively impact ethical digital transformation. But we want to do more.

Sustainability is a growingly important theme and a competitive advantage to us on a strategic level. We promote a more sustainable, equal, transparent, and democratic world in our customer work, but there is only so much we can do indirectly.

The Gofore Impact Foundation is our way of impacting through the kind of good causes that may not find financing elsewhere. We want to not only impact the ethical development of digitalization and mitigate the negative effects of digitalisation, but also use digitalisation as a transformational, positive force in society.

SelkoTeko – Putting AI to work in easy Finnish language and imagery

One of the Gofore Impact Foundation’s beneficiaries is a project called SelkoTeko, freely translated as an “act of clarity”, where plain language services for disabled people are taken one step forward with the help of artificial intelligence.

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What's your positive impact contribution?

Do you have an idea, a project, a technology etc. that needs support in order to make the world better? Present your case and pitch to the foundation’s board – we’ll give a helping hand to the most impactful ideas.

Send Your Application

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